Friday, 28 February 2014

Organising my life

Something I've never been very good at is organisation. My memory is seriously shocking for a 19 year old and can only seem to remember quotes from TV and films. In high school I was the one who never seemed to know what we had to do when and only ever used their planner for doodles.
This year my New Years resolution was to 'organise my life' and I felt determined to succeed! I've tried to do this before but it was always at the start of the school year and only ever lasted at most 3 weeks. To make sure I do everything I can to stay organised I use various different things to assist my memory and I thought I would share those with you!

Before the start of this year I bought this organiser from WH Smiths for £10 and this was the start of the NYR. My thinking behind buying this was that if I got an organiser on with something cute on the front it would make me want to use it more, I don't know to me it makes sense! It has 5 different sections, diary, special dates, projects, to do lists and notes which I think is really handy because it sections everything off so I know where everything is. At the back there are also spaces to write addresses and there are stickers in the front...stickers!

 As well as my organiser I have a blackboard and a whiteboard in my room so I write reminders and a to do list on them to assist my appalling memory!

Recently I've been using this little brown notebook from Paperchase to write down things that I need to do on that day and then I can write the things in the actual book. Juts explaining it then it doesn't really make sense but it does to me. It's just another way of making sure that I remember to do things!

So with all of these things I should be able to achieve my NYR but if things do go downhill I will let you know, but fingers crossed!

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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

What I bought after my birthday

So if getting presents for your birthday isn't enough, does anyone else get the urge to go out and buy even more things? Because I know I do! I didn't go mental because I got so many amazing things for my birthday that there wasn't much that I needed to buy but there were just a few bits that I fancied. Also in this post I was feeling soooo adventurous that I made a video to go along side, I know i just do too much!

Here are all of my purchases, don't they look purrty! As you can see I didn't go too mental on my poor little purse, but I think my HMV bill was a little pricy.

So this is what i got from Paperchase, I went to the one in House of Fraser and I'm kind of glad because I literally could of bought EVERYTHING in there it's all so good! The first item is a little owl pass case which is super cute. Because my student card gets me into some of the buildings around uni it's a pain having to tug it out of my purse every time I want to use it so I thought this would be useful. The second is a little travel contact lens case and I thought that this was such as good idea so i fill up the little pots with solution and if they're bothering me throughout the day I'll be able to take them out and they won't die and dry out. And finally I couldn't go into paper chase without buying a notebook so I just got a little brown one that has a mix of normal white pages and darker brown ones which I thought was cool.

I knew when I got my birthday money that there were some DVD's that I wanted so I hopped on over to HMV. The fifth estate and Sherlock were the main ones that I wanted but when I was about to pay I had a bit of a stupid moment where I thought "What if the guy behind the till thinks I'm a right Benedict Cumberbatch freak, I'll have to buy something else to balance it out." Yeah, I even surprise myself sometimes, but I have wanted to watch the Silver linings playbook for ages so it wasn't a waste of a purchase.

And that's what I got with my birthday money. I've still got a little bit left but I won't be buying anything exciting, probably just costa! So I hope that you enjoy my little video experiment because I am so chuffed with myself! Bye! 

(The video quality is better on the YouTube version, don't ask why I think it's just having a moment.)


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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

What I got for my birthday!

I'm just going to quickly move on from the fact that I completely failed at the photo challenge so yeaa...

Last week it was my birthday! Woo 19, what a great..age? Anyway, I got soooooo many AMAZING presents!! I'm so lucky for everything that I got and they are all things that I love!

These are all my beautiful presents! Eeeeeek it's so exciting! Here's a run down on what I received:

  • A heart shaped blackboard
  • A snuggly bear called Grant
  • 12 Millies cookies (12. 12!)
  • A bracelet, a soap, an owl keyring and a soft green heart
  • Champneys washy smellys (mmm...)
  • War horse DVD
  • A wreck the journal
  • 4 nail varnishes
  • Derren Brown tickets!

I painted my nails this colour last night and it's so pretty and really shiny. Fingers crossed it doesn't chip for a while because I really can't be bothered to repaint them!

I think that this many be my favourite present. Derren. Brown. Tickets. I cannot even explain how excited I am right now and how much I'm trying to hold in my excitement. I still haven't decided if I would watch to catch the thing he throws and go up on stage but I've got plenty of time to decide.

So another birthday over I'd like to say thank you for all of my presents! Now time to spend the birthday cash!

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Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Two in a row

Writing two of these blog posts in a row has taught me that I really shouldn't miss a day. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again. Today has been a really good day! My friend Beth from home has come up for my birthday celebrations so it's going to be amazing! I'm currently in my room before going out tonight after being kicked out of the kitchen for some mysterious reason, hmm....

                    Day 11: Mistake

This is just something on my big wall collage. It's meant to say Edinburgh because that's where the receipt is from but due to my lack of spelling skills it didn't turn out like that. It always annoys me whenever I look at it.

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It was going so well!

It was going to happen sooner or later, I missed a day. But i'm still powering through and determined to get to the end of the month with NO MORE mistakes! Today it was back to normal with the end of my two week holiday, I mean two weeks of intense work.... so it was quite nice to get back into a routine. Until I got to my seminar and found out that my afternoon was cancelled, nothing routine about that. Not long now until the big day and I'm so excited! Out tonight, tomorrow and Saturday for some birthday runtimes, can't wait!

                  Day ten: I am...

Well today this could only be late. I'm literally so annoyed! It seems I can never do anything like this, I've still never fully completed an instagram photo challenge never mind one that actually requires some form of work! This watch is literally the cutest thing, problem is I always forget to wear it. I need some form of memory help...

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Monday, 10 February 2014

Flat sweet flat!

After my little 'uni break' at home I'm back with a vengeance ready to get to work and eat those Pringles that I left in the cupboard before I left. Let me tell you, those Pringles were good...

                Day nine: Details

This is, what I think, quite a detailed wall full of random things I've acquired whilst I've been at uni. Normal things like postcards and then slightly weirder things like a plastic hanging hook that you get when you buy socks...yeaa that's a thing... I quite like this wall now. The more it fills up the more I like it the problem is, I'm not looking forward to taking it down when I leave, 1.because it will be sad and 2. it's gonna take a loooooooong time.

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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Present recieval time!

The second of my birthday celebrations took place today and it was great! A family party with lasagne (my favourite) and a chocolate fudge brownie pudding, heaven. Only problem is that tonight's my last night at home (sad face) before I go back to uni (happy face) so it's quite bitter sweet but I'm going to make the most of it!

                Day eight: Water

Yes, I realise that this isn't water but WAter is a bit like WAr horse...okay so I opened my birthday presents today and got this DVD and was way too excited not to use it for today's picture. It's just soooooo goooooood!!!! I seriously can't wait to watch it, again! Other presents include 2 tops, lots of booze and DERREN BROWN TICKETS! That's right, Derren. Brown. Tickets. As you can probs tell I am beyond excited, so can't wait for May!

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Saturday, 8 February 2014

The countdown begins!

Birthday celebrations are a go go! Today me and my family took a trip to Leeds to have a meal at Brown's and it was soooooo good! I had asparagus and procutto to start and then chicken with some other stuff for main. With a lovely dark chocolate brownie to finish off, yum! Of course there was also a latte to finish it off! 

               Day seven: Utensils

This day has made me really want some new make up brushes. One day a few weeks ago I went into Boots and nearly had a break down at the new range of Real Techniques brushes that were on offer. All of my will power was used to stop myself from grabbing them all and running to the till. Problem was I was waiting for my birthday money so I'll be really upset if when I'm ready to buy they've all gone! I will get you one day retractable bronzing brush...

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Thursday, 6 February 2014

The early bird catches the worm...I missed it...

Today was the day of the best sleep ever. I don't even know what was good about it but I woke up at 11:15 feeling so good! It's really going to depress me going back to normal lectures that are on at stupid 'o' clock in the morning. Other good things that happened on this pretty good day were that I went to Marks and Spencers for a culpa. Nothing, I repeat nothing, is better than a M&S scone (at least today, tomorrow it'll be something completely different...). 

                Day six: C is for...

...COSY!!! I've never realised it before but my house is so cold compared to being at uni! Either that or my body temp has just had a major shift. I've found myself walking around the house with several layers on as if I'm about to go on an arctic expedition. That'll be one thing that I don't miss when I go back, I shall be in charge of the room temperature again! Horray! 

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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Off the wall (or through it)

First day back, looking forward to a nice lie in, life is good. Cue 8:30 the sounds of the worlds biggest drill about to burst through my wall! What a lovely thing to wake up to, but it didn't disrupt my sleep that much (high five to waking up at 10:15!). I didn't realise that getting cavity wall insulation meant nearly completely ripping open the side of the house!

                Day five: Squares

So these aren't technically squares but today I rediscovered pinterest and I've become completely obsessed! Now there's a place where I can look at all the things I love! [cough, pictures of Olly Murs, cough]. So goodbye hours of productive work and hello pictures of cute puppies!

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Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Home sweet home!

What a day to come home, when the theme of today's photo challenge is 'childhood'. Meant to be. Everything went smoothly, my train was on time, my tickets printed without issues and life is good! Plus this now means it's kind of the start of my birthday celebrations! WOOOO! Lets get this party started (phrase meant as least cringey as possible...)

             Day four: Childhood

Horray for a great childhood! Although looking through the old photos to use for this made me realise that I was a slightly weirder than average child. Sure, there are nice smiling photos but equally there are the 'I didn't even know that a person could make that face' ones. It was nice to be nostalgic, especially as I'd forgotten I had these so it was nice to have a look back, except the glasses...never fun to look back on the glasses.

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Monday, 3 February 2014

Oh so productive

It's finally happened. I am now....organised. I'm currently sat here with my completed assessment, which is finished 2 days early, waiting to be submitted. I don't think I've ever been so excited! Recently I've been feeling sooooo proactive it's unreal. I've been making to do lists, writing things down in my organiser and started thinking about an assessment that need to be handed in in April. APRIL! 

         Day three: Something orange

I know that this squirrel is brown but he is slightly orange so lets just role with it. This squirrel is the present I got so I could remember my grandad as he used to feed a squirrel that visited his garden and it kind of became like a little pet. Super cute! His name is Nutty and he is just the cutest squirrel ever and he is so fluffy and cute and so many feels.....

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Sunday, 2 February 2014

Day 2 (so far going well!)

We made it to day two!!! I think a congratulations is in order *pats back*. I'm feeling pretty positive today, had a good browse round the shops and a hot beverage, what could be better! Still on my reading week so another lie in tomorrow and then it's only one more day until a little visit home hurrah! February is THE month!

            Day two: Favourite

Since 'favourite' is such a broad thing I went for a favourite in the sense that I appreciate this the most...fonts. I do love a good font which is why on my whiteboard I decided to go a bit font crazy whilst trying to achieve my New Years resolution of organising my life. I also though that I could go through some of my favourite things (at the minute, it rapidly changes).

Favourite colour-Green! (Forever and always)
Favourite film-War Horse (This is only because I watched it yesterday and I am becoming slightly obsessed...)
Favourite TV programme-Sherlock (Just a little bit too obsessed, don't judge)
Favourite animal-All of thee above (SO CUTE!)

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Saturday, 1 February 2014

Guess who's back!

Well, it's been a while...oops. Completely unintentional but life's been a little bit busy. So to get back into the swing of things I thought I'd take on the February photo challenge! I'm determined to get through every single day so fingers crossed it'll happen.

                   Day one: You

This extremely attractive photo is of me when I went to Las Vegas two years ago. It brings back so many good memories and seriously makes me want to go back sooooooooo much! It also depresses me at the fact that it's boiling hot in the picture and yesterday back in the real world it was snowing. 

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