Friday, 20 April 2018

Is Maybelline Tattoo Brow a miracle product?

In a recent blog post where I went through some of my unloved products (read that here) I can across this - the Maybelline Tattoo Brow Long Lasting Tint. I bought this around when it first came out when I was wanting to spend a little less money on my brows. It seemed like a total miracle product. Costing around £10 it would save a decent chunk in the brow tinting department and there are three shades, light, medium and dark brown. I went for medium brown as although I have blonde hair I'm all about a dark eyebrow. The whole idea of this product is that you paint it on, wait for 20 minutes to two hours depending on how long you want it to last and then peel it off.

Now, I'll start with the positives. The applicator is a small brush making it easy to draw on the shape you want, it isn't at all messy and takes next to no time to apply. When it's on I can't feel it and, although it makes me look like I have sharpie brows, having it on for two hours isn't an issue. Peeling it off may seem like it's going to take all of the brow hairs with it but other than a few casualties it's totally fine. Overall it's an easy to use product for something that usually requires getting a professional in.

There is one main problem with this and it's quite a big one - it's orange. Like, the colour is orange. And I have no idea why. It's a perfectly normal colour when you go to bed the day of application but I've woken up to find two cheesy wotsits above my eyes. Not good. And that's the only thing stopping this product from being amazing because it has everything else going for it. The way I've been using it is as a guide for filling in my brows. Because I have such fair hair when I have no tint on my brows it can take quite a while to fill them in so by using this I already have a bit of a head start which is good. But I wouldn't go out with just this on my brows because, as I said, it turns them orange!

I will keep using this because I want to use it all up and I can just about get away with making it work - but there won't be a repurchase on the horizon.

Have you used this product? Did you get on with it?

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