The Tan for the People that Never Fake Tan
When I go out with my friends I'm always the one that looks a little bit ill on the end. Casper the ghost if you will. It's my own fault, I've just never had the interest to 'tan up'. I knew that if I did give it a go I'd be patchy, stink of biscuit and end up wearing it on the rainiest day of the year and it would all wash off anyway. My view did change this Christmas though when in my amazing Soap and Glory hamper set thing there was this. The Soap and Glory Righteous Butter Instant Sunkissed Tint Body Lotion. That has to be the longest name in the world! I wasn't sure what it was going to be like and I was a bit sceptical at first. I'd describe it as a cross between an instant tan and a gradual tan. It is definitely instant as as soon as it comes out of the tube it looks like you're rubbing melted chocolate on your body. I find that it takes a lot of rubbing in, and the first time I applied it I was terrified it was going to leave me with giant streaks. What I love about this product is that it doesn't smell, at all! I thought that it might have a bit of a whiff after a while but even the next day there was nothing. It also washes like an absolute dream! What I would say about this for the fake tan newb like me is as soon as you've rubbed it into your skin, run to the bathroom, grab an exfoliator and rub the orange right off your hands. You need an exfoliator because it takes some hard core stuff to get it off your hands. So if you're a fake tan virgin but want a bit of a glow I would definitely recommend getting this. It's £8.00 at Boots and I can see this tube lasting me for quite a while!
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