Friday, 17 July 2015

Round Up #7

Another week, another round up and it hasn't been the most exciting week in the world because it's all been about the holiday prep. I've been bulk writing blog posts and taking what seems like hundreds of pictures so that I can have some chill time. Although starting from next Friday there will be a Florida Round Up where I will be rounding up (obviously) everything that I've done that week!

Summer is here!
We may have had that heatwave but the good weather seems to be here to stay and I am loving it. Winter may be my favourite season of the year but I when the sun shines I am a summer fan and event more so when there's ice cream around. Ice cream normally isn't my sweet treat of choice but when the sun comes out I'm all about the mint choc chip or a 99. Yum!

Holiday prep
If you read my post yesterday then you'll know all of the things I'll be doing before going on holiday and my week has just been consumed with getting everything done before I get on that plane. As I'm writing this blog post I've still not packed but I've written a list of all the things I need and packing will probably come tomorrow. I find that if I pack too soon then I forget what's gone in so it's just easier to do it a couple of days before.

Exciting foods
You'll find out more about this next Tuesday but I had the chance to try a delicious lunch snack called a Naanster. But more about that on Tuesday, I just wanted to mention it as it has been part of my week.

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